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They're beta testing dominion now. Looks like their first window is 8-10am today.

My thoughts:

It's very fast, and very hectic. People dying everywhere points getting capped all over the place. It's like battlefield style. People don't give a shit about creeps they just cap and kill. My creep kills across 3 games were: 3; 23; 0, yes 0. I can already tell my predictions are true. Certain heroes will be ridiculous on this map. Katarina seems godlike, akali is pretty solid and i would imagine nidalee as well. Anyone that's mobile and short cooldowns will be amazing on this map. And likewise anyone with longer cooldowns will not be that great.


I played 3 games in less than 1 hour the shortest was a 6m30s prison rape where we just capped 5 points and sat on them. The longest was 20 minutes. The IP gains look larger than summoners rift. 63IP for a 20 minute victory, and the lowest gain was 39IP in 6 minutes (which would be absurd, this is not the norm). I've noticed defensive items seem under utilized in this mode, most people don't bother since everyone receives extra base magic/armor pen. Also most people want to boost their damage as quickly as possible.


I have a feeling this will be the new mainstay, and that summoners rift will fall out of favor once this is released. It's super fun, very fast and the skill ceiling seems lower, but the teamwork seems higher. When no "lanes" exist and there isn't a 1v1 or 2v2 matchup it becomes much more fluid and interesting. Not to mention instead of a push/defend mentality, often people will go for caps instead of trying to defend. It's very offensive minded and I have a feeling it will be much more fun for our group.


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NOOOOO!!!!! I want to play too.


Won't be home until 10:00pmish.


Which reminds me, I need to google... I don't know how to get to church from my work. /fail

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Picking up Sona. This guide looks pretty good.





Will try messing with my mastery build since I was using my AP build yesterday which probably wasn't the most effective. Face roll sona.

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that build is for summoner's rift. use this build instead




AP build is fine on sona, thats how I play her


edit: this is my build for soraka, not sure how well it works on sona but they're pretty similar. maybe swap in a lichbane instead of rabadons.



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Some of the games last night were pretty fun.


I have ~1400 IP so recommendations on champions to buy (or save up for) would be appreciated.


I should probably play some other champions and diversify a bit as opposed to pantheon 24/7.... even though he is so fun....

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Off of the current champion pool I would recommend:


Ezreal: Very mobile, high damage and fantastic pokes. However he is almost entirely skillshot based, you will either love this or hate this with a passion.

Karma: Regardless of what people say, she does very good damage, and supports well. She's a little awkward for dominion, but I consider her fun and troll worthy.

Katarina: Fantastic choice, as long as the enemy team does not have an abundance of crowd control.


Here's the champions 1350 and under I would consider good/fun:

Annie, Kayle, Poppy, Soraka, Alistar, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Tristana, Twisted Fate


The 3150's:

Akali, Blitzcrank, Corki, Gangplank, Gragas, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Lux, Nidalee, Olaf, Pantheon, Sona, Udyr, Urgot, Xin Zhao


The 6300's and 4800's


Jarvan, Trundle, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Ezreal, Fizz, Graves, Ireilia, Kennen, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Leona, Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Nocturne, Shyvana, Skarner, Talon, Vayne, Volibear, Wukong, Yorick


Feel free to use this:



You can list by the IP price for easy organizing.


I would very seriously recommend saving and just trying the champ rotations, I feel like the 3150's have a substantially larger set of champions I would enjoy and the 6300's as well. Partially because so many of them are newer and more interesting champions.


Also keep in mind that you may want to look for champions with either mobility or survivability. Both of these play out much better on dominion than on summoners rift, and will generally make the champion much more effective. If you just want someone who pushes buttons and melts people, expect to get melted yourself.

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I own Kayle and Poppy but have never played either. I think I've heard from some of you that both of those are good champions and worth learning.


Yeah.... I'm always kind of afraid to try something really random/new in the rotation because I'm already being carried and I don't want to be carried harder because I don't know wtf to do with hero xyz that I've never used before.

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It's dominion, which is significantly more forgiving. Also significantly shorter. A loss may only take 10 or 15 minutes. Besides the whole point of the game is to have fun and enjoy heroes that are new, or that you like. So don't be afraid of trying any new heroes. Unless we lose several in a row, we generally don't mind dicking around. You'll hear us make mention if you need to put on your try hard pants.

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Sona is fun. Just stay in the back and spam q +w +q then auto attack. Lots of fun. The third shot auto attack is different depending on which skill you used last.


Loads of fun [/edited]

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have about equal chances with any other hero outside of the ones I kind of know: vayne, pantheon, poppy.


If our team comp is consistently lacking something, why not just tell me who to try and learn and I'll try to fill that roll.


Winning is fun too yo.....

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Some possible suggestions:


Yorrick: He's relatively easy does good damage and can take bot lane rather well. He's also very useful at top because of his ultimate and his ability to harass while sustaining.


Wukong: Again, easy to play and good damage. He also has quite a bit of survivability due to his clone.


Skarner: High damage, high sustain, mash your buttons. He's good, and can be built rather tanky while still doing serious damage. Also can handle bot.


Lux: I think although she has very high cooldowns she does very good damage and has substantial crowd control.


Blitzcrank: One of the best characters in dominion. He's not the easiest hero. In dominion you focus on your W (overcharge) skill for attack speed, but you still need to land pulls to be useful.


Alistar: Massive amount of crowd control, but very little else. You'd be full support with alistar but he's one of the few full support characters that work on dominion.


You could also bring back urgot...

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Any champion with good damage and cc is good enough for dominion. All the 3 you listed are fine. The only thing we sometimes lack is a bot lane hero. Out of the ones I've listed Yorrick, Skarner, and Urgot can all bot lane. Frankly I think even vayne can. I do have a feeling it would not be the easiest bot lane but it would work.


The major issue right now is that either me or ren need to bot lane (occasionally brian). Which leaves only one of us to go top with you guys and "carry" so it's rather difficult and frustrating at times because if top is doing poorly we need to give up bot to help you take it, gaining us nothing...


Bot lane is one of the least fun lanes because of the fact that often it's a solo lane and generally revolves around farming and sustain (much like summoners rift). I am tempted to just have us run 2 man bot more often just to see if that would even out top and make the lanes a bit more reasonable.


IF you want to really put on the tryhard pants, feel free to learn soraka. She's very good and very often wins bot lane.

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I've seen people on lol forums talk about urgot bot being viable strategy. I have him. I don't mind/like playing him so I will try to play him a lot more and learn how to build him better.


To date I think I usually just bought recommended items for him but some of the recommended (in general) I don't think are very good. I'm mainly basing that on the fact that on dominion for vayne the recommended have zero attack speed items and building attack speed feels a lot more effective.


How does this build look: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/...zz-patch-141490

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