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Tactically Inept

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Which gym? If it's CSUF then I'm not sure what you are talking about not having a pull-up machine, we have like 3. Negatives are a great way to start on a bar. Make sure to let yourself go all the way down to a full hang though.


For the bicep/tricep extension, I assume you are doing this on cable/pulley setup? If you want to try some really awesome bicep, tricep exercises that get you really sore, these worked for me:

Skull Crusher: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Tricep...ngTriExtSC.html

Hammer Curl: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Brachi...HammerCurl.html I realize that hammer curls are kind of more a forearm exercise but they felt good for me when I did them.


Only 10 reps each? Only 1 set? There is some debate (and plenty of broscience) on what kinds of reps+sets are best for different goals but I think this one is fairly safe: http://exrx.net/WeightTraining/Periodization.html Once you start going over 12 reps per set then it's really more cardio than anything else. Not that high rep workouts don't have a place but I'm just saying for strength or power goals you probably don't want the majority of your workout to consist of that.

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I did 15 for 1 rep and 10 for the second. Did the hammer curl. For the tricpes, I went behind my head and raised it up above my head. No cables/pulleys... someone was working on those so I just took weights.



Went to the gym at my work. I did 2 reps of the list I provided (hence the repeat). I also tried the "bouncing medicine ball" work out you described last time and added squats to it. So basically, I'd bounce it, catch it, squat, stand up, raise the ball above and behind my head, then bring it down for another bounce... repeat.


I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

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I am extremely frustrated and not in the mood for any form of serious exercise today. I may just go to the trail and walk/jog/trudge the whole way just to find my cool.



And of course, I forget to bring my mp3 player to keep me company; I am bloody absent minded.


I guess I can hum the songs and make everyone else suffer my tone death serenade. Yes, I think that will make my day.


/end abbreviated tirade

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Running tomorrow at trail @6pm; join if you want. I'm going to test my ankle.


Going to hit the gym at work before I go to get some weights in.


Probably swimming with coworker on Tuesday and Wednesday... not sure yet.


Goal for the summer: lose 5-10 pounds of fat. Muhahahaha.... aish.

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malaphax is in the market for running shoes. I heard ren might be too. We are talking RUNNING shoes here. Not necessarily cross training shoes (although some carry over pretty well).


I wrote a bunch of stuff and then I realized it's really just all here at this link summarized which I would recommend reading completely, it's not a long read: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120...-4615-0,00.html


A couple of notes:


* Brands (many you have heard of) that you will probably find in a local store that make some very legit running shoes: New Balance, Saucony, Asics, Brooks, Mizuno. Yes Nike, Puma, Adidas, Reebok do too but they also make a lot of cheap stuff too that is more for looks than any real training so you have to be careful. Honestly, I've bought a lot of shoes from Sports Chalet in brea and been happy with the majority of their selection. Expect to spend $80-$110 on a pair of good, solid shoes.


* The shoes I have been wearing right now are a whole sort of trendy niche of shoes right now referred to as minimalist shoes with very very little material between your foot and the ground. This is much harsher on your feet but is supposed to strengthen your entire foot. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you willing to deal with a long breakin period (months) before you feel comfortable with it. After dealing with this for over 2 years now I think my next shoe might be less minimal. I don't think I've gained as much as I should have from it. I blame hype. My next shoe may be something like a Nike Free Run+.


* I personally don't like excessively complex looking out-soles (bottom of the shoe). It often seems to almost promote a strong heel strike (bad) and seems like it raises your heel so far off the ground I would be worried about twisting my angle if landing on something funny (like an odd rock, stepping on a pole, etc.). Example: Nike SHox http://nikeairshox1.files.wordpress.com/20...x-tl4-shoes.jpg Same applies for lots of plastic on the bottom of the shoe but sometimes that stuff is part of the stability system built into the shoes and serves legit purpose (and feels good).


* Always account for your foot swelling a bit in size from running so the shoe should never be tight when you are trying it in the store. I wear a 12 size casual in some shoes and 12.5 in some due to smaller cut but I usually get 12.5 running shoes.

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Combined with some of the stuff I did on Saturday (core work) and yesterday (heavy/hard stretching) at the gym I've definitely pulled one of my hip flexor muscles on the right side. I was already getting pain yesterday during the run. I can't go to the gym today because it's still painful. Not quite as much as yesterday but walking is uncomfortable and I'm limping a bit. Lifting my knee to at least parrallel is doable but I wouldn't want to do it more than a few times. I looked into some of the more common reasons for the hip flexor to be pulled and lack of core strength and a lack of flexibility around the hip are often the cause. Guilty on both charges. I'll take it easy today. Ice. Maybe some real light stretching and maybe some light core work at home.


Flexibility and core weakness (especially in the lower back) are still my biggest fitness problems by a long shot. Holding me back in many things.

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If you really must do light stretches, please be gentle and make sure you've warmed up first before stretching. Don't cold stretch. I believe it was ice for first 48 hours (15 minute max increments) and then apply heat afterwards.


I still want to remind you of your flawed logic of accepting tiger balm but refusing red flower oil-- just saying...


I always use red flower oil on all aches and muscular pains-- never failed me.


Anyways, rest up. I don't think you should run on Wednesday if you still feel any pain. Feel better soon.

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If you really must do light stretches, please be gentle and make sure you've warmed up first before stretching. Don't cold stretch. I believe it was ice for first 48 hours (15 minute max increments) and then apply heat afterwards.

I'm not convinced that a warmup is required before static stretching. I know that adage has been repeated a thousand thousand times but I want some hard evidence. Everything I read has the ring of doing it practically because of tradition. I've often also seen people write something along the lines of "a warm muscle is easier to stretch!" No shit. Muscle are more pliable after you raise your body temperature/increase blood circulation. Note that I'm not saying anything against warming up before physical activity but specifically before stretching. Dynamic stretching is a bit different though but that is a whole other topic: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/sports/p.../112pewarm.html see also http://www3.aaos.org/education/anmeet/anmt....cfm?Pevent=648 and http://tca.d4sportsclub.com/object.aspx?id=516&o=486 and http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/health/n...ion/13Best.html


Before you/anyone comes after me about it I stretched AFTER my workout on monday. Not before. I just stretched really hard. This one, at this angle too: http://www.footstore.com/wp-content/upload...xor_stretch.jpg


I still want to remind you of your flawed logic of accepting tiger balm but refusing red flower oil-- just saying... I always use red flower oil on all aches and muscular pains-- never failed me.

I've used tiger balm maybe twice in my entire life. My mom uses it though occasionally. Realistically I don't trust tiger balm either. *does some online research* The main ingredient of Tiger balm and IcyHot is menthol which acts as an analgesic (pain reliever via rubefacient (warming sensation), promoting blood circulation). The rest seems mostly filler. So that seems ok. Looking up red flower oil I mostly found websites saying it was a popular "chinese remedy" but no real explanation of it's ingredients. If anyone wants to prove me wrong, feel free, but you better bring some science with you.

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you should probably stretch before your workout too, but i always stretch before I warm up; never did anything to me.


as for red flower oil, i dont know much about it other than it works and its really strong. maybe christina can chime in on that.

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Alright you.... I can't find any studies here at work so I'll go home and research some more if I remember to do so.


Found this article and had a wtf moment. Aargh! Screw it! I'll just follow what I believe and you try what you want.



Following on from this, many experts started recommending static stretching after a workout to negate this strength decrease. To throw another spanner in the works, top soft tissue experts are now recommending that static stretching should be done cold, without warming up. The idea behind this is that when warm, the muscles simply elongate and then return to their normal state, whereas stretching a cold muscle will force it to undergo structural changes and increase in length.



Dynamic stretching ftw! ... but in your current state, I'd suggest just to stay put and let yourself heal.



Red flower oil:

Cinnamon oil, turpentine oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, camphor oil, methyl salicylate


*Do not use on open wounds. Avoid contact with your eyes or mucous membranes. For external use only. If pain persists, stop using the product and consult a doctor. Red Flower oil is not suitable for pregnant women*


Meh, you can use your western ways. I trust the 5,000 year legacy of this medication.




< I afked to work on something now I lost my train of thought...>

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I am not sure what everyone's school schedule is so I'm going to post my exercise regime here. If you want to join by all means show up.


I have classes Tues/Thurs evening so I am out on those days.


I'm going to continue to exercise on Mon/Wed/Fri


Running today at the trail 6pm; join at your leisure. For now, I will continue to run on Mondays-- I may take up swimming on Wednesdays and/or Fridays so I can study on campus afterwards.


No badminton this week. Wrist is feeling much better than last week but still painful enough to make me sit on the sidelines. If it feels better by Saturday, I'll be up for some gamage then but no sooner.

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I am not sure what everyone's school schedule is so I'm going to post my exercise regime here. If you want to join by all means show up.


I have classes Tues/Thurs evening so I am out on those days.


I'm going to continue to exercise on Mon/Wed/Fri

I'll be cutting back physical activity from 5 days/week over the summer to 3 days/week consisting of Mo/Wed/Fri. It's going to be kind of interesting because for the first time I'll be doing my gym workouts in the morning, right after breakfast, before class. Got up early this morning to do that. Was nice. I had to do a little reading on how to hydrate properly for early morning workouts since I'm used to working out in the afternoon/evening when I've already drank a lot of water throughout the day. It seems there isn't really anything you can do other than just drink as much as you can with breakfast without feeling sick and drink more during the workout.


Running today at the trail 6pm; join at your leisure. For now, I will continue to run on Mondays-- I may take up swimming on Wednesdays and/or Fridays so I can study on campus afterwards.

Yeah, for now, I'll still be up for running mondays, wednesday @ 6pm.

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I am going to swim with a co-worker at the work pool on Wed-- she dared me saying I'd flake. PAH! I'll take her on anytime.



Anyways. I will probably exercise at school on Friday and then study at the library for a bit.

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Went to the Doctors today....my blood pressure has dropped a lot over the past year as I've been trying to reduce my sodium intake. Apparently it made a huge difference...


Went from 128/85 to 120/75. Heart rate has gone up sadly, but I haven't doing my regular runs as much as I was back then.


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You ought to come run with us if you can. It's quite difficult to conjure up enough willpower to continue trail running with the blazing summer heat but it's great cardio.


Typically we run on Monday 6pm.



Anyone want to swim or run on Friday?

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